Services for refugees and migrants in Alice Springs
MCSCA can help you to
- learn more about the Australian way of life, how systems work, what supports you can access to help you settle in well
- make new friends through MCSCA’s regular meet and greet events
- access Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) (eligibility rules apply)
- meet other parents and finds friends for your children through the SUSU Mama Playgroup
- meet people from your country / culture / language
- keep up to date with what is happening by and for the migrant and multicultural community in Alice Springs
- access MCSCA’s computer suite to assist you with researching and applying for work.
If you are a service provider, and would like to refer a client to use our services, please complete our referral form.
MCSCA Services for the multicultural community
MCSCA can help you through
- Multicultural Grant program
- MCSCA regular meet and greet events, Big Day Out in Harmony, social events and information sessions
- SUSU Mama Playgroup
- Computer suite to assist you with researching and applying for work
- Assistance with setting up an incorporated association for your cultural group
- Access to facilities for meetings, cultural group rehearsals etc
MCSCA Services for multicultural groups
MCSCA can help you to
- connect with existing cultural groups and associations
- form your own incorporated association for your cultural group
- learn more about governance and organising the running of an association
- learn how to access grant funding for events and other activities for your association
- participate in Big Day Out in Harmony and share your culture with the wider community
- represent your community in consultations with government agencies