Multicultural Community Services of Central Australia Incorporated (MCSCA) is a community based organisation whose aims and objectives are to deliver quality confidential services to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
MCSCA provides the first port of call with friendly, culturally sensitive orientation and information, and ongoing activities and events to promote harmony in our community.
MCSCA is run by Management Committee elected by the community at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MCSCA Inc. Members represent the diversity of the Alice Springs community and bring MCSCA a range of skills, knowledge and expertise.
- Respect for cultural diversity while assisting new arrivals to understand their new environment.
- Equal opportunity in access and equity to services.
- Integration, acceptance and understanding of difference.
- Cultural diversity shall be promoted at all levels of the organisation and within the community.
- Represent and assist migrants and recent arrivals to Central Australia in assessing the services they need to facilitate settlement
- Facilitate integration into Australian society by understanding its values and lifestyles
- Provide services to migrants coming to Alice Springs who originally settled elsewhere in Australia, to assist with adapting to the specific and challenging issues of a remote location
- Assist newly formed CALD groups to provide social and cultural activities that support individuals and families to become part of the wider community
- Provide targeted assistance to groups facing particular challenges in integrating into Australian formal and informal systems and societies
- Provide appropriate, consistent and regular liaison between CALD, individuals and communities and other organisations, employers, mainstream service providers and government departments
- To provide services, representation and leadership for the CALD community in Central Australia
- That people from CALD backgrounds have equal opportunity and access to services and participation in the communty at large
- To strive for a society which respects multiculturalism and diversity, and welcome new arrivals and facilitates integration into Australian society
- To provide support, orientation and information to people of many cultural backgrounds who wish to settle in Central Australia
- To assist community understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity and promote multiculturalism
- To facilitate integration in to Australian Society and understanding of Australian values and lifestyles
MCSCA’s main funding comes from Northern Territory Government through the Office of Multicultural Affairs. The funding covers operational expenses, staff and projects to provide services to the multicultural community in Central Australia.
Staff members are available across programs to ensure services are delivered, and to offer support and assistance to the CALD community. MCSCA works to encourage community harmony, peace and acceptance of difference.
Are you interested in being involved and promoting a harmonious multicultural community in Alice Springs? Membership forms for MCSCA are available via this link or at the MCSCA office.
If you have questions, please contact us to find out more. Your input and contribution are encouraged and welcome.
Our History
Multicultural Community Services of Central Australia Incorporated (MCSCA) began as a volunteer branch of the Darwin Migrant Resource Centre in 1985. In 1992, the Migrants Resource Centre of Central Australia achieved full incorporation as an association in its own right and began to receive direct funding from the then Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs.
In 2003, the organisation’s focus changed to allow for a more diverse range of services for migrants and refugees and the multicultural community, and this was reflected in a change of name to Multicultural Community Services of Central Australia Incorporated. Funding for MCSCA and our services now comes through the NT Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
Interest in Australia for harmonious settlement of migrants and refugees has increased over the years and settlement in rural, regional and remote Australia remains a priority for both Commonwealth and Territory governments. Alice Springs has welcomed and assisted in the integration of people from a diversity of countries. Government agencies, community services and local employers have assisted migrants to settle and now call Alice Springs their home.
Now, there are approximately 6,000 migrants from 63 different countries living in Alice Springs. This represents approximately 23% of the population. There are sixteen incorporated ethnic associations.”- current stats from 2021 census – 32.9% or 8532 population born overseas from 60 countries.
MCSCA plays a vital role in promoting the diversity, cultural inclusion and harmony and in supporting these groups to develop their own cultural centres, places of worship and to maintain their cultural practices.